


Engineering Design Technologies, Inc. (EDT) provides corrosion control, Design-Build services. Our Design-Build process includes performing a corrosion assessment survey along the representative utility or structure’s soil environment and gathering necessary data along existing pipelines or structures (if applicable) to provide the best and most complete corrosion protection system. Corrosion assessments of the soil environment include, but are not limited to, in-situ soil resistivity measurements, stray current measurements and soil chemistry analysis of soil samples retrieved at pipe depth. Additional data such as the current required to cathodically protect the pipeline or structure, electrical continuity testing and/or coating holiday (defect) and resistance testing, may be collected.

Once the information from the corrosion assessment is gathered, a cathodic protection system will be designed by EDT’s NACE certified corrosion experts to satisfy the NACE International Standard Criteria in accordance with NACE’s SP-0169. Based on the data collected and available information gathered, the most economical Impressed Current or Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection system is selected for the design. Design calculations are made and furnished as part of a technical report. Cathodic protection design drawings, details and specifications are developed and included in all submittals.

The next phase is to coordinate, manage and install the cathodic protection system. Cathodic protection components include, but are not limited to anode materials, monitoring stations and wiring, exothermic welding, pipe joint bonding, rectifiers, junction boxes, etc. Coordination begins with safety first and includes adjacent utility locating (Miss Utilities), quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) and daily progress updates.  Local restoration requirements are observed for all asphalt, concrete and other pavement types and state and local erosion mitigation requirements are met. After the installation of the cathodic protection system is complete, the system is then commissioned to confirm that it satisfies NACE International Criteria. As-built drawings are developed in CAD and provided for the newly installed cathodic protection system.

EDT has a Certified NACE International Instructor on staff to provide the appropriate training to utility owners and their employees for the operation and maintenance of the new cathodic protection system.

Representative Projects

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